Once upon a time when I signed up to support HBC I was in part lured by the prospect of a promised theology course that I needed to understand the Reformed world and how to understand it with a hermeneutic of charity and relate to it as a branch of family and embrace it as fellow travelling co-workers in the vineyard. Coming to reflective consciousness in the wake of Vatican II, I was taken by the mixed signals, the documents and new practices which established new norms for community and experience, passed along by a bureaucracy gone ricketty and seemingly unresponsive to the challenges of a new time, still chewing up the innocent under the guise of "la bella figura", the public face of Holy Mother Church, managed and coiffed by the old Constantinian playbook. Good Pope St. John tried to throw open the windows and allow the Spirit to blow through, but in his wake the reactionary forces of cassock-wearing Latin lovers followed behind, trying to pull 'em back down shut, lest what was inside be lost to the outside.

I kept wondering when the course would show up. Having gone to grad school I eventually became reaccustomed to the formula of the seminar-length podcast. I came to know about people like St. Howard Thurman and St. Phyllis Tickle (we all need to reappropriate the ancient practice of popular acclaimation of our heroes) and started to get a better sense of the lay of the land.

With this essay on Moltmann, I consider the course to be fully delivered. I'm getting my copy of The Crucified God today. This Boomer is biased towards long-form and Substack is a healthier, friendlier venue than the toxic Superfund sites that Facebook and TwitterX have devolved into. Somehow Substack seems to fly under Mammon's radar, for now at least. This is only a confession of personal prejudice so please continue to be alert for the signs of the times and watch for new developments, after all who am I to judge?

Rock on witcha bad self. Gotta keep an eye on those Benedictines - they're a sneaky fifth column in a Canticle for Leibowitz kind of way. And what an amazing gift from Herr Prof. Moltmann.

It's good for us to be here. Good place to put up a tent or tabernacle or something. Peace and every good!

Don from Nashville

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WOW! Thanks Don. I appreciate you taking the time share your experience.

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Tripp, I'm delighted you have moved to Substack, and love this brief summary of your thoughts on Moltmann. I don't always have time to get to all your podcasts, so this is helpful. Thanks for taking the time to do your work of bringing theology to busy pastors at a time when seminaries are closing.

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Thanks Todd. I appreciate how the platform has managed to avoid the ugliness of other social media platforms.

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