The Cross in the Heart of God: Celebrating the Life of Jürgen Moltmann with Philip Clayton
Homebrewed Christianity Podcast with Tripp Fuller
Philip Clayton was my PhD advisor and remains a mentor and friend. We scheduled a livestream session where we planned to explore contemporary options for the doctrine of God by developing a typology of live options, but when we learned of Moltmann’s passing, it seemed fitting to pivot our plan and reflect on the life, thought, and impact of Moltmann for Christian Theology.
Click here to read my thoughts on his passing as well as a list of other tributes.
As a scholar, Philip Clayton (Ingraham Professor, Claremont School of Theology) works at the intersection of science, philosophy, and theology. As an activist (president of, President of IPDC), he works to convene, facilitate, and catalyze multi-sectoral initiatives toward ecological civilization. As a disciple of Jesus, he finds himself energized by the Spirit in the Quaker community.
Previous Podcast Convos w/ Philip Clayton
Finding God in Everyone and Everywhere w/ Philip Clayton and Andrew Davis
Can a process theologian be an Evangelical & other questions with Philip Clayton
Party Time with Philip Clayton for “The Predicament of Belief”
Bootlegged Christianity with Philip Clayton, Jack Caputo, Bill Mallonee, Peter Rollins, & Jay Bakker
Philip Clayton on The Resurrection, Trinity, Eschatology & the Predicament of Belief