Baptizing America: How Mainline Protestants Helped Build Christian Nationalism
Faith & Politics for the Rest of Us
In preparation for our next Homebrewed Christianity online class on Faith and Politics for the Rest of Us, we've just released two incredible presentations from Brian Kaylor and Beau Underwood, authors of Baptizing America. (Scroll down for bios.)
1. Watch the Video Presentations Below.
In the face of a rising threat to both church and democracy, Baptizing America provides an urgent examination and an enlightening critique exposing the dangerous undercurrents of Christian Nationalism. How can Mainline Protestants spot such practices in their own activities? A crucial call to reckon with influences before it's too late.
2. Watch the YouTube Livestream.
3. Sign Up for Our Next Online Course.
Dr. Diana Butler Bass, Dr. Tripp Fuller, and Tim Whitaker are bringing together a number of alternative theo-political visions to introduce a multiplicity of vibrant, yet neglected traditions in public theology. With the help of some of the most powerful voices in the academy, participants will be introduced to these traditions and get to put them into action as we wrestle with our present moment, discovering the potential for an alternative public Christian witness.
About Brian and Beau - Authors of “Baptizing America”
Brian Kaylor, Word&Way Editor & President since 2016, is an award-winning writer and sought-after expert on issues of religion, politics, and communication. He also hosts the award-winning podcast “Baptist Without An Adjective.”
In addition to articles and editorials for Word&Way, his writings have been published by CNN, Houston Chronicle, Kansas City Star, Louisville Courier-Journal, Religion News Service, Roll Call, Sojourners, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Washington Post, and many other outlets.
Brian has a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Communication from the University of Missouri, and a B.A. in Communication and Christian Ministry from Southwest Baptist University. He is the author of four books on religion and politics: Vote Your Principles: Party Must Not Trump Principles; Sacramental Politics: Religious Worship as Political Action; Presidential Campaign Rhetoric in an Age of Confessional Politics; and For God’s Sake, Shut Up!
Beau T. Underwood has served as Senior Pastor of Allisonville Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Indianapolis, Indiana since January of 2023. Besides pastoring congregations, he has led the advocacy efforts of faith-based organizations in Washington, DC, helped steer an award-winning journalistic ministry, staffed congressional campaigns, served as a community organizer, and worked as a hospital chaplain.
A proud alum of Eureka College, the University of Chicago Divinity School, and the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy, he is currently a doctoral candidate in the University of Missouri's Truman School of Government and Public Affairs.
Along with an abiding interest in how religion intersects with public life, he is passionate about the work of Christian formation that engages both the minds and hearts of those seeking to follow Jesus. His writing has appeared in Sojourners, The Christian Century, Religion & Politics, and Word&Way (where he is a contributing editor).